SMSF Loans Broker

Agile Debt Solutions is an SMSF loan broker passionate about providing the guidance and support our clients need to not only achieve their financial aspirations but excel beyond them. If you need a specialist to help you navigate your self-managed super fund and leverage it to increase your capital, our financial planning services are designed to get you where you need to be as efficiently as possible. SMSF loans can be one of the wisest moves to set you up for a brighter future.

SMSF Loans Overview

SMSF loans, which you might also know as limited recourse borrowing arrangements, allow anyone with superannuation to borrow funds needed for investments in property assets. These loans enable us to leverage the superannuation savings to make investments that can lead to capital growth and even rental income. SMSF investment loans are the perfect solution to create a tax-effective living and give us assets we might otherwise be unable to afford.

Understanding SMSF Investment Loans

SMSF loans are unique to Australia and operate under a limited resource borrowing structure. Due to the lender’s resources being limited to the underlying asset purchased with the SMSF loan funds, the borrower’s other assets are fully protected in the unfortunate event of default. With the help of Agile Debt Solutions, you will have access to some of the best SMSF loans in Australia to suit your needs, ensuring payments are always affordable and offering even more protection.

The Benefits of SMSF Loans for Property Investment

Utilising the availability of SMSF loans in Australia can provide tremendous benefits. Firstly, self-managed super funds are subject to concessional tax rates at a maximum of 15% after twelve months and if the property investment is yielding rental income. SMSF loans also enable trustees to make more out of their investments by diversification. This can be done by diversifying an investment portfolio when incorporating direct property investments with traditional assets like managed funds and shares.

SMSF loans also give us more control over investment decisions, allowing us to select a property that aligns with our needs and objectives. If you want a
service that can lead to long-term wealth creation through property investment and provide even more retirement funds through rental income or a lump-sum payment from property sales, get in touch to see what we can do for you.

How SMSF Loans Work

The SMSF loan process follows a simple five-step structure:

Suitable property for investment is located by the SMSF trustee. This is when we help by ensuring the property is both affordable and will yield a good return.

Suitable property for investment is located by the SMSF trustee. This is when we help by ensuring the property is both affordable and will yield a good return.

A limited resource loan is obtained and put into the self-managed super fund to help finance the purchase of the property.

A limited resource loan is obtained and put into the self-managed super fund to help finance the purchase of the property.

The SMSF trustee will then purchase the property using a combination of the SMSF loan and other existing funds, such as cash or contributions.

The SMSF trustee will then purchase the property using a combination of the SMSF loan and other existing funds, such as cash or contributions.

The property is then given to be held by a bare trust, a legal entity that holds the property for the benefit of the self-managed super fund until the loan has been fully repaid.

The property is then given to be held by a bare trust, a legal entity that holds the property for the benefit of the self-managed super fund until the loan has been fully repaid.

The property is set up to generate rental income, which goes directly into the SMSF to cover expenses and repay the loan.

The property is set up to generate rental income, which goes directly into the SMSF to cover expenses and repay the loan.

Eligibility Criteria for SMSF Loans

The eligibility criteria for SMSF loans can vary from person to person, but there are a few everyone should meet. The self-managed super fund must comply with superannuation laws; the property must be residential or commercial and cannot be acquired from a related party. The SMSF trustee must also provide personal guarantees and demonstrate they can service the debt.


What are the Current Interest Rates for SMSF Loans?
Can SMSFs Borrow Money for Investments Other Than Real Estate?
What Are the Risks Associated with SMSF Loans?
How to Apply for an SMSF Loan?
What Documentation is Required for an SMSF Loan Application?